Saturday, February 28, 2009


I just got back from my weekly Weight Watchers meeting and am feeling rather pleased with myself. I was a bit nervous about what the scales would say this week as I had a bit of a sweet tooth eat-a-thon last weekend (that time of the month) but I got back on track on Monday and have been good all week, even trying to save a few points each day - which I've managed most days. It paid off and I had a loss of 1kg this week. That means I have now made my next goal of under 85kg and I have now lost a total of 19.1kg, so next week I hope to make (or come very close to) my 20kg total loss goal which means I'll be able to go and get a new Murano glass charm for my Pandora (my first one - I got the bracelet itself as my 15kg reward and will get a glass charm for each 5kg) Doing a little happy dance here let me tell you!! Happy me. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)

Also just thought I'd share this photo that Leroy took of me the other day - not the most flattering one esp with only half a head! lol... he just grabbed the camera and clicked before I could stop him. I was expecting the worst from this angle... thinking fat double chin. But I was pleasantly surprised when I saw it (and hence didn't delete it - will add to my journal)

Happy Weekend everyone!


  1. That's awesome Tash! Congratulations! You really do deserve that extra charm on your bracelet!

  2. Well done Tash, that's a fantastic result! Looking good in that photo too - can't wait to get rid of my double chin LOL!



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